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Showing posts from June, 2016

The Gospel of Judas: A journey into the world of Platonizing Christianity

Here's a somewhat hastily made documentary my friends and I made for a research class last semester. We chose to dive deeper into the story of the Gospel of Judas, a (relatively) recently published Gnostic text with a backstory worthy of a soap opera. Each of us dove into one or more influences of Gnosticism to better understand the text.   We cover the backstory to its discovery and publication, summarize the text, and analyze it according to early Christian thought, Platonist philosophy, and Gnostic cosmology. Wish we could have more time to make it a polished production, but our content beats the heck out of National Geographic's documentary.  If you're interested, the Gospel of Judas is a rather short read, and you can read it here: